About Dota 2
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Dota 2 is an Action RTS game, developed by Valve Corporation. The title was formally announced on October 13, 2010; and was released as a Free to Play game on July 9th, 2013 for Windows, and July 18th, 2013 for Mac OS and Linux. It is the successor to the very popular Warcraft 3 mod, Defense of the Ancients, which was based on the Aeon of Strife map for StarCraft.
Dota 2 is a combination of RTS including perspective and a heavy requirement of tactics and team co-ordination and RPG including itemization and leveling up. Players are split into two competing teams (Radiant and Dire), each consisting of up to five players. The main objective in Dota 2 is to destroy the enemy Ancient inside their stronghold. These strongholds are protected by multiple towers down 3 lanes. The player controls a Hero, a strategically-powerful unit with unique abilities and characteristics, which fights for them and gains strength by leveling up and buying items with gold. Experience is earned when creeps and heroes die. Gold is gained passively over time, by killing creeps, by killing enemy heroes and by destroying buildings.